Ultimate Guitar Tabs


Below you will find links to the ultimate guitar tabs.  Whether you are just learning how to play or you are a seasoned pro, there is tablature just for you. 

So browse through the titles and enjoy playing. Be sure to check back as we are always adding new books to the website.

Ultimate Guitar Tabs & Chord Books

“Dude, this is a drumming site.  What’s with the guitar tabs?”

Yeah, okay, I know, but…I play guitar too.  It was my love of drumming that actually paved the way to guitar.  Whenever I’d come up with a new drum beat I’d always hear a certain riff n my head so one day I just decided it was time to learn guitar.

Where’s a drummer with no guitar experience to begin?  Tabs are a huge help in learning the basics of guitar playing.  There will probably come a point when you’ll want to move on to actually reading music, but tablature is a great way to bridge the gap and blur the line between drummer and guitarist.

Alright, enough of that, now get back to the drum lessons:

bass drum lessons
› Guitar Tabs

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