Drum Books


Drum books are a great way to enhance your learning and develop skills on a deeper level.

There is a wide range of materials available, some good and some not so good. 

Be sure to check out my book reviews for more information on specific titles.

Books can quickly become outdated, so if you want to stay up on the latest in drumming news, you might want to consider subscribing to a drumming magazine.  They’re filled with the latest drumming products, interviews and usually offer lessons from professional guest columnists. 

Learn more about Drum! magazine here.

Drum Books & Lessons

General Drum Books:These don’t really offer much in the way of exercises, but are more of a complete overview of drums and basic concepts.  These include your basic “Idiot’s Guide” series and other titles along the same lines.

Drum Set Sheet Music:These books focus on the entire drum set.  You will learn everything from limb independence to incorporating fills into your routine.

Drum Instruction:Intended for more advanced drummers.  If you want to jump deeper into various techniques or want to expand your skill set through harder exercises, check these out.

How To Play A Solo:These titles offer solo pieces for snare and drumset and include tips on fill work.  There are also some contest level solo notations.

Drum Sheet Music:By far the most popular option.  You can learn how to play the drums from your favorite artists.  Covers everything from country to metal.  There are even some cool play along titles that eliminate the drum tracks to your favorite songs so you can play along with the rest of the band.

Drum Charts:Quick reference guides that display the basic drum rudiments, musical theory/concepts and more.

Drum Beats:These books cover beats for both drum set and progamming.  Be sure to check out the Drum Notebook for plenty of free drum beats.

Childrens Music Books:Have fun teaching your child how to play the drums in these books covering complete drum set lessons to basic rhythms.

Be sure to check out the pages below for free drum lessons and exercises:

snare drum lessons
drumming techniques
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