Time Signature

The time signature is the “fraction” you’ll see at the beginning of drum sheet music, which tells you how to count the beat. This free drum lesson will cover the 4/4 signature, also known as “Common Time”. See below for more on “Odd” time and for drum lessons covering counting time.

The most commonly used time is 4/4 which is found in most all modern “popular” music from the West. 3/4 is another signature you may see or hear a lot of.

As music progresses and artists strive for originality, you’ll find more unique signature usage like 12/8, 15/16, 7/8, or 5/4 to name just a few. Learn more about “Odd” Time Signature.

So how do you read these numbers? Treated as a fraction, the top number (numerator) tells you how many beats are in a measure. In other words, it tells you how high to count. 4/4 times counts to 4. The count goes…1-2-3-4. 3/4 counts to 3. As in…1-2-3. 12/4 counts to 12…you get the idea.

The bottom number (denominator) tells you the value of the note. Four signifies quarter notes, 8 for eighth notes and 16 for sixteenth notes. For more help on the difference between note values and counting beats, check out this lesson on Reading Drum Music.

Now that you know how to read the signature , you may want to check out some Free Drum Sheet Music to practice counting.

See Even More Beginner Drum Lessons.

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How To Read Drum Music

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