Roland Drums

Roland Drums

Roland Drums is a Japanese company known for it’s line of electronic drums. In 1972, the company began launching it’s first products which included rhythm machines and synthesizers. In the early ’80’s, they began to offer some MIDI capabilities but it wasn’t until the early ’90’s that the first general MIDI Synthesizer was released.

Their most popular product Roland V Drums, are an innovative approach to electronic drum sets. Patented mesh heads and other components help to re-create the feeling and response that one gets from an acoustic set. The benefit off the V Series over an acoustic set is that you have access to the powerful technology that Roland Electronic Drums has developed in their analog modules.

The Roland TD12

The Roland TD20

Roland – More Than Just Drums

Besides selling quality electronic pads, they also makes great training tools, like the Rhythym Coach (shown below)

Roland Rmp-5 Rhythm Coach

The company offers a wide variety of amplifiers ranging from drum amps, to keyboards and acoustic guitar rigs. Check out these Roland Amps

For those of you who enjoy programming beats, Roland offers a few different electronic drum machines. They can also be handy for practicing along side your acoustic drum set. Visit Roland’s Drum Machine page.

Powerful drum modules give you access to a large library of high-quality percussive sounds. Add acoustic triggers to expand your drum set. See Roland’s Drum Modules.

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