Japanese Drums


Japanese drums, also known as Taiko, come in four basic variations. They are from largest to smallest, the O, Chu, Oki, and Shime. The largest of these, the O-Daiko has a playable surface that is three feet across and has carrying handles that accomodate 4-6 people. It is said that a grown man can stand up inside the shell of the O-Daiko. These instruments are usually played with bachi, which are basically non-tapered Drum Sticks. They are about a foot and a half long and two inches thick.

Taiko can be played by one or more people. Huge productions will often have multiple players on each drum which makes for an amazing show. There are many different playing positions, each with their own symbolism. I found some great information at the Drum Dojo. Here you can learn all about the different types of japanese instruments and how they are used in ceremonies.

Here are a couple videos of performances.

Click here to see what Japanese Drums are available for online purchase.

See More World Drums From All Over the Globe.

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