Drum Reviews

I have been wanting to start a section for drum reviews for quite some time now. As a drummer, I know how important it is to be knowledgeable about drum equipment before you buy it. In my early days of drumming, I was burned a couple times by poorly designed drums and cymbals. My minimal income at the time also played a role in buying shoddy gear. But, now, thanks to a great online drumming community that is eager to share about their drum purchases, you can be well informed before dropping money on something that isn’t really worth it.

You can browse through the reviews below, just click the thumbnail, and you can even write your own reviews and upload pictures of your gear. My hope is that this will become a great place to get quality information about various drum products and that it will help you to make an informed decision. Check back often, as this is a fairly new section of the site and I plan on adding to it quickly to get things rolling. Thanks for visiting and I hope it helps.

Book Reviews

I recently thought it would be a good idea to add some book reviews to the site. Drum books only! Sorry Nicholas Sparks fans. Stay Tuned as I add more.

101 Drum Tips (Added 1-31-12)

Drum Tuning:The Ultimate Guide (1-31-12)

You might also check out the Drum Forums for more information.

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