Heel Toe Method

The Heel Toe Method is often associated with metal drumming, but it’s applications cover a wide range of drumming styles and musical genres. It’s definitely one of the Drumming Techniques that every drummer should have at his disposal.

If you’ve already watched the Heel Toe Method video, then you are ready for the warm up exercises below.

To start off just play straight eighth notes in an alternating RLRL pattern. You just want to build up a nice rhythm. I usually play this two bar measure two to four times until I’m comfortable.

Now apply the heel toe to your eighth note pattern. Your legs will still be moving as if playing 8th notes, but you will actually be playing 16th notes. The first two 16ths will be played with your right foot, the next two with your left and so on.

Now we will pick up the speed a little bit and switch back and forth from 8th to 16th notes.

Do you see a pattern emerging yet?
The final phase of the warm up will have you using your heel toe technique evenly among the notes. These warm up exercises are intended more for getting you comfortable with playing in this style then it is to push your skills. For a quality workout that will push your foot skills, check out these Heel Toe Exercises that focus on limb independence.

This short video demonstrates all of the exercises above.

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