Drum Stick Sizes


It is important to know your drum stick sizes when you are learning How To Choose Drum Sticks. It is easy to become overwhelmed with the wide range of stick sizes on the market. This lesson will teach you how to decipher between stick sizes and help you decide which one is right for you.

Sizes are marked by a number and a letter, both of which represent either weight or applications. You should know that sizes can determine which stick feels “natural” to you, but you may also want to know How Drumstick Tips Affect Sound. There are other variables too that will change the sound. Find out what factors contribute to sound change in this lesson on the Anatomy of A Drum Stick.

The number tells you the thickness and weight of a stick. The most common sizes are 2,3,5,7. The larger the number is, the thinner and lighter the stick. So a 7A is thinner than a 5A which is thinner than a 2A.

The letter is used to specify the recommended application of the stick. For example, orchestral settings or street drumming. There are three letters used, A,B,S.

A Series are great for orchestral work or larger productions like big band music or swing.

B Series are great for pretty much any other musical setting. Rock bands and other genres like pop, country, r & b. They are also recommended for beginner drummers.

S Series are intended for street drumming, marching applications, drum lines and the Drum Corp International.

It is important to know that although there is some system of sizing sticks out there, it is a flawed system. There is no universal method of sizing them. For example, a 5A from Pro Mark may not, and most likely isn’t) the same weight and thickness as a 5A from Vic Firth Drum Sticks. You can find various Drum Stick Sizes here in the online store.

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