Drum Stick Size


Drum stick size plays an important role in the sound and feel of your playing. With so many different sizes it can be hard to know How To Choose Drum Sticks.

Click here for an easy explanation of the differences in Drum Stick Size.

Other parts of the drum stick besides size play a role in the sound produced too. Below is a diagram that lays out the parts of the drum stick. You’ll also find a short description of how these affect the sound and feel while playing.

Anatomy of a Drum Stick

Tips: The variation between different tips and their size is huge. Click here to learn more about How Drum Tips Affect Sound.

Neck: Just before the tip. It is the thinnest part and the thinner the neck is, the more flex and response you’ll get.

Shoulder: This is where the stick starts to taper or slope into the neck. The closer the shoulder is to the tip, the less bounce and response you’ll get.

Shaft: This is what takes most of the impact, say during rimshots or cymbal crashes.

Grip: Doesn’t really affect the sound, but there are different grips, such as the Zildjian Nylon Dip that may make playing easier or more comfortable.

Butt: Can be used to produce fuller tones. Pantera’s drummer Vinnie Paul always played with the butt of the stick.

Size Differences

Besides the various parts of the stick and drum stick size, there are other properties that change the sound, tone or feel of the drum stick.

Length: This affects the balance and fulcrum point of the stick. It may make some sticks feel more natural than others. A shorter length may feel quick and is usually easier to control.

Thickness: Again, mainly affects the way a stick feels to you. But thicker models are more durable and heavy, depending on the type of wood used. You may also want to see how Drumstick Wood Type affects sound.

Taper: This refers to how the shoulder thins into the neck and tip. A longer taper size offers more flexibility, but a shorter size adds power and durability.

Now that you have a good idea about what to look for in drumsticks, you can learn more about different brands of Snare Drum Sticks here.

Just learning how to play the drums? Check out my Beginner Drum Lessons.

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