Zildjian Drums – Cast Vs. Sheet


The Zildjian Drums company makes cymbals using two different types of bronze, cast and sheet. Below are the differences between the two and the benefits of each.

Sheet Bronze

Sheet Bronze cymbals are pre-formed discs cut with standard thickness. They have a fast response and quick decay.Very durable with consistent sound within each series, meaning each ZBT 16 Inch crash will sound like every other ZBT 16 Inch crash. They are also the entry level cymbal from Zildjian, so they are affordable and great for the drummer on a budget.

Zildjian Sheet Bronze Series Include:

Planet Z

Cast Bronze

Each cast bronze cymbal is poured individually from molten metal. They are then sorted by weight to produce each series. They have a full sound, with better projection than sheet bronze, and sound better with age. They have better clarity and durability than other cymbals because of Zildjian’s secret alloy.

Cast Bronze Series Include:

Avedis Zildjian
A Custom
K Custom
K Zildjian

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