Bearing Edges


close up bearing edges

Bearing edges play an important role in the sound of your drums. In fact, they have an effect on everything from projection and resonance to ease of tuning.

So how do they effect the sound? It is the part of the drum shell that makes contact with the drum head. So tiny variances in shape and cut change how the drum head reacts when hit. They can be cut into different angles, each of which effects the sound in it’s own way. They can also be cut on the inside and rounded over on the outside, or use different angles on both the inner and outer edges.

The most common edges in use are the 45 degree internal cuts. The outsides are usually 45 as well or rounded. Rounded outside edges allow the head to rest on the shell and transfer vibrations from the head to the shell. This creates a warmer sound that enhances the tonal quality of the wood used. As a basic rule of thumb, the higher the angle, the more attack produced. While external angles, instead of rounded edges will create less resonance and sustain.

45-Degree Cut:With the single and double 45-degree cuts, less shell is in contact with the drum head. This means that the head is less muted, giving it more initial attack.

45-Degree -Rounded:The vibration is sent down through the center core of the shell. This causes the shell to vibrate from its center. Shells with these types of edges tend to have more sustain, be a bit warmer, and aren’t as overpowering as double 45’s or flat 45’s.

There are plenty of websites that go into lengthier discussion on angled cuts, rounded edges and so on. But, to be honest, the bearing edge has a minimal effect on your sound. Unless you’re recording in a million-dollar studio, you’re probably not going to notice it. The real difference in sounds are produced by your drumheads.

Here are some more factors that influence the sound of your drums:

Maple Drums
Birch Drums
Metal Drums

Leave Bearing Edges and Learn About Other Sound Factors of Drum Shells.

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