Online Drums


I’ve seen quite a few online drums and drumming games.  This one from OMG(Online Music Games) is pretty cool. 

You’ll get to play an entire five piece set with a nice set of cymbals (four in all) in addition to the hi hat.

I like how this one has two keys mapped to each piece of the drum set.  Instead of having to finger-punch the crap out of one key, you can double tap back and forth for faster drumming.

The keys are laid out nicely and you can also use your mouse to click around the set.  Enjoy!

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And, if you’d like to learn how to play the drums, you should check out my free Beginner Drum Lessons.

I’ll teach you many basic Drumming Techniques and help you build a solid musical foundation using the Drum Rudiments.

Check out the links below to learn more or to play some more games.

virtual drums 22
virtual drums 25
beginner drum lessons
› OMG Flash Drums

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